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Communiqué de presse: Sociologue et féministe : Le travail de Fatima Mernissi à l’honneur


Le 28 novembre, le CASS a inauguré la série de conférences Fatima Mernissi à Beyrouth.

إقرأ المزيد

بيان صحافي: المجلس العربي للعلوم الاجتماعيّة يكرّم فاطمة المرنيسي


في 28 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2019، أطلق المجلس العربي للعلوم الاجتماعيّة سلسلة محاضرات فاطمة المرنيسي في بيروت

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Press release: The ACSS honors Moroccan sociologist and feminist Fatima Mernissi


On November 28, ACSS inaugurated the Fatema Mernissi Lecture Series in Beirut.

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Call for papers : AACCP and the Finnish Institute in the Middle East


Designing Cities – Principles and practices of city planning in the past and present

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Job vacancy: Arab Council for the Social Sciences


Program Coordinator

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Job vacancy: Arab Council for the Social Sciences


Executive Assistant to the Director General / Program Assistant for Special Projects

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Job Vacancy: Arab Council for the Social Sciences


Administration/HR Officer

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Conference at Doha Institute Qatar: Digital Humanities in Arabic


Conference: Digital Humanities in Arabic Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar April 20-21, 2020

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Article in the issue on Youth in the Middle East with POMEPS by ACSS grantee Dina El-Sharnouby


Article in the issue on Youth in the Middle East with POMEPS by ACSS grantee Dina El-Sharnouby Revolutionary Youth Politics: From Seizing to Sharing Power

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Job Vacancy: Research Associate at Doha Institute


Research Associate at Doha Institute The term of appointment will be up to 9 months with possible renewal, approximately starting on January 2020

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Arab Institute for Women: Submissions for upcoming issue on Gender and Revolution(s)


Arab Institute for Women: Submissions for upcoming issue on Gender and Revolution(s) We want to highlight both the important role of women and the ways that gender itself has been operationalized in these movements.

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Call for Contributions: Feminist Revolutionaries


Kohl is officially opening its platform to feminists wishing to write and reflect about unfolding revolutions from Lebanon to Iraq.

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Call for Applications: Five postdoctoral fellowships for the research program (EUME)


Call for Applications The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien invites scholars to apply for up to five postdoctoral fellowships for the academic year 2020/21 for the research program Europe in the Middle East—The Middle East in Europe (EUME). Closing Date: January 4, 2020 / Location: Berlin, Germany

إقرأ المزيد

أعمال فاطمة المرنيسي بين المقاربة التاريخية والبحث الميداني (أسماء بنعدادة)


أسماء بنعدادة هي أستاذة التعليم العالي في شعبة علم الاجتماع في كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية- ظهر المهراز- جامعة سيدي محمد بن عبد الله- فاس. متخصصة في الدراسات النسائية والسوسيولوجيا السياسية.

إقرأ المزيد

فاطمة المرنيسي التي استحقّت كرسيًّا باسمها (إدريس كسيكس)


إدريس كسيكس هو أحد مؤسّسي ومنسّقي كرسيّ فاطمة المرنيسي في جامعة محمد الخامس ومؤسسة HEM في الرباط.

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Call for Applications: Swedish Institute


Call for Applications: Swedish Institute Connecting Advocates of Gender Equality

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RAPPEL: APPEL À COMMUNICATIONS- AISLF-GT4-Monde arabe en mouvement- 6-10 juillet 2020


Appel à communication, Colloque du Goupe de Travail 4« Monde arabe en mouvement » LA SOCIÉTÉ MORALE (IN)JUSTIFIÉE Congrès de l’AISLF, La société morale, Tunis, du 6 au 10 juillet 2020

إقرأ المزيد

Call for Papers: Media Representations of Law and Justice: Middle Eastern Perspectives


Call for Papers: Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities University of Leipzig, Germany

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Call for papers: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA


Call for papers: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA Victim, Symbol, or Actor? Middle East Migrants in Transnational Perspectives

إقرأ المزيد

Call for papers: University of Oxford


Call for Papers: University of Oxford "Western Intervention in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings"

إقرأ المزيد

دعوة لتقديم الطلبات لنهج تعليمي لمؤسسة اهل


دعوى لتقديم الطلبات لنهج تعليمي لمؤسسةاهل الموعد النهائي لتقديم الطلبات 10 كانون الأول 2019

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Call for proposals: Transregional Analysis of Transregional Trends - Carnegie Corporation


Call for proposals: Transregional Analysis of Transregional Trends - Carnegie Corporation Deadline for the submission of initial concept notes is December 2, 2019

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Job vacancy: Social Research and Public Policy Professor – Tenured - NYU Abu Dhabi


Social Research and Public Policy Professor – Tenured Division of Social Science NYU Abu Dhabi

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Job vacancy: Doha Institute for Graduate Studies


Job Vacancy: Doha Institute for Graduate Studies - Open Rank Professor in Political Science with specialization in Comparative Politics

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Job vacancy: Doha Institute for Graduate Studies


Job Vacancy at Doha Institute for Graduate Studies - Open Rank Professor in Political Science with specialization in International Relations

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Faculty positions: Northwestern University in Qatar


Faculty positions: Northwestern University in Qatar. Northwestern University’s first international campus is searching for full-time faculty members for different positions.

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Job vacancy: Doha Institute for Graduate Studies


Job vacancy: Doha Institute for Graduate Studies

إقرأ المزيد

A message from the ACSS


We are writing to you from our offices in Beirut as all corners of the country erupt in massive, spontaneous and peaceful demonstrations demanding immediate political and economic change.

إقرأ المزيد

Call for papers: RAI2020: Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future


Panel title: Imperial infrastructures, disciplinary networks: Histories of mobility and knowledge production in Anthropology and Geography

إقرأ المزيد

A message from the ACSS


We are writing to you from our offices in Beirut as all corners of the country erupt in massive, spontaneous and peaceful demonstrations demanding immediate political and economic change.

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إذا كنتم ترغبون في الانتساب إلى المجلس العربي للعلوم الاجتماعية، يمكنكم مراجعة صفحة العضوية للاطلاع على أنواع العضوية وكيفية تقديم طلب الانتساب.