As part of the preparations for the 2017 World Humanities Conference, the Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS), in cooperation with UNESCO and in coordination with the International Center on Human Sciences (CISH), will be organizing the Arab regional conference on "Recentering Humanities: Theories, Approaches, Knowledge Production in the Arab Region”.
The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs, in partnership with the Open Society Foundation (OSF), has launched the Project entitled: “Breaking the mold: Arab civil society actors and their quest to influence policy-making”.
ننشر في ما يلي لائحة ببعض مجلات العلوم الإجتماعية الصادرة خلال شهر نيسان/أبريل 2017. إن هذه اللائحة ليست شاملة بأي شكل من الأشكال، لا بل تحتوي على عدد محدود من الإصدارات التي تمكّنا من رصدها خلال هذه الفترة.
قام معهد عصام فارس للسياسات العامة والشؤون الدولية، بالتعاون مع معهد الأصفري للمجتمع المدني والمواطنة وجامعة لوند، بإطلاق ثلاثة تقارير بحثية حول تاريخ وواقع حقوق الإنسان في كل من المغرب والجزائر ودول الخليج العربية.
تشارك الحاصلة على المنحة في إطار الدورة الثانية من برنامج المنح البحثية الخاص بالمجلس العربي للعلوم الإجتماعية، ماري قرطام، في نقاش بعنوان "النساء اللبنانيات، واللاجئات، والمهاجرات في لبنان: من التهميش الاجتماعي السياسي إلى استراتيجيات التحوّل والتغيير" في 19 نيسان/أبريل 2017 في مكتب منظمة دعم لبنان/Lebanon Support.
Driven by the need to put Libya on the map in a number of academic disciplines, a group of scholars launched two initiatives to draw attention to available resources and studies, and create a space to critically address the complex realities in Libya.
ACSS postdoctoral fellow, Idriss Jebari, will be presenting his work at the American University of Beirut (AUB) on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 5:00 PM.
Hamad Bin Khalifa University is recruiting for several positions in the humanities and social sciences.
NYU Abu Dhabi seeks to expand its cohort of faculty working across the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.
NYU Abu Dhabi is looking for a diverse group of professionals to join its staff.
The College of Islamic Studies (CIS) at Hamad Bin Khalifa University is looking to hire an assistant/associate professor in Islamic finance.
The Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS) will be organizing a panel on Arab social sciences at the World Social Science and Humanities Conference, which will take place on April 26-27, 2017 at Kharzami University, Tehran, Iran.
The Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS) is pleased to announce a five-day intensive workshop in quantitative data analysis for the social sciences, co-organized with the Odum Institute, a research institute housed at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill (USA).
The Canadian Journal for Middle East Studies, The Researcher—a print and online academic journal published by Institute for Middle East Studies, Canada—announces a call for articles and reviews for our first No. of Volume 2.
The American Political Science Association (APSA) is pleased to announce a Call for Proposals for scholars interested in the upcoming MENA Political Science Research and Publication Conference.
The International Center for the Sociology of Religion (ICSOR) is organizing the School of Higher Education in Sociology of Religion (SAFSOR) in Rome on December 27-30, 2017 in Rome. ICSOR is looking for interested researchers from the Arab region to join the program. The ICSOR Grant Program is intended to support interested researchers in their residence in Rome.
The Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS) is looking for a Communications Coordinator to join its Secretariat in Beirut, Lebanon.
The Dr. Assaad Khairallah Endowed Award in Social Sciences will award $1,000 for the best student paper (2,000 - 5,000 words) written in Arabic that engages with knowledge produced in the Arab region as well as the disciplines of Sociology/Anthropology at large.
In collaboration with the United Nations in Lebanon, the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs is seeking proposals for a project titled, "Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals: Listening to the Voices of the ‘Furthest-Behind.'"
The Department of Political Science at the American University in Cairo invites applications for a fixed term contract (five years renewable) position in international relations at the Assistant or Associate Professor level beginning in Fall 2017.
يهدف المؤتمر السنوي الرابع للعلوم الإجتماعية بجامعة الأخوين إلى توسيع اهتمامات العلوم الإجتماعية في المغرب وفي العالم فيما يتعلق بالتنمية الإقتصادية والعدالة وحقوق المواطنين وواجباتهم من خلال إدراج قضايا بيئية.
On Thursday, January 12, 2017, ACSS Director-General, Seteney Shami, will be speaking at the "Rethinking Media through the Middle East" Conference, organized by the Media Studies Program at the American University of Beirut in collaboration with the ACSS and AUB’s Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies.
The Arab Regional Professional Exchange Program provides financial support, including a monthly stipend, travel, and insurance coverage, to individuals from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region for work on a 3-6 month project in a host organization in the region.
The project "Violence, Forced Migration and Exile: Trauma in the Arab World and in Germany” is looking to recruit fourteen highly motivated students (6 Palestinian, 5 Lebanese and 3 German BA, MA or PhD students).
يقوم مكتب تواصل المجلس العربي للعلوم الاجتماعية - فلسطين بعقد دورة تدريبية في مهارات صياغة وتنفيذ المشاريع البحثية على مدار خمسة أيام في مدينة رام الله، وذلك بين 30 يناير 2017 و 3 فبراير 2017.
The Department of Political Science invites applications for a fixed term 1 year contract position, renewable, in international relations at the Assistant or Associate Professor level beginning in Fall 2017.
يعقد مكتب تواصل المجلس العربي للعلوم الاجتماعية في فلسطين يومًا دراسيًا تحت عنوان "إنتاج المعرفة في العلوم الاجتماعية إلى أين؟" يوم السبت 10 كانون الأول/ديسمبر 2016 في جامعة بيرزيت
Cambridge University's Woolf Institute, which specialises in the study of relations between Jews, Christians and Muslims from a multidisciplinary perspective, invites applications for its annual visiting fellowship.
The Hillary Clinton Center for Women’s Empowerment at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Rabat are pleased to organize the International Symposium, "Crossing Boundaries: Youth, Migration and Development" on March 2-3, 2017 in Rabat.
Eqlim is looking for researchers who will work on energy, commodities, supply chain and infrastructure-related projects, who are able to thrive in a fast-paced atmosphere, and who can manage complexity with high degree of autonomy.
إذا كنتم ترغبون في الانتساب إلى المجلس العربي للعلوم الاجتماعية، يمكنكم مراجعة صفحة العضوية للاطلاع على أنواع العضوية وكيفية تقديم طلب الانتساب.
حقوق النشر © 2024
المجلس العربى للعلوم الاجتماعية
سياسة الخصوصية
شروط الخدمة
المجلس العربى للعلوم الاجتماعية
بناية علم الدين، الطابق الثاني
شارع جون كندي، رأس بيروت
بيروت – لبنان
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