What are the opportunities available for Arab social scientists this week? See our roundup of open calls.
The ACSS working group, the Beirut Security Studies Collective, will be presenting its work at a special panel during the World Social Science Forum (WSSF), which will take place on September 25-28, 2018 at the Fukuoka International Congress Center, Japan.
Appel à candidature pour un stage de chargé·e d’études documentaires au sein du programme de recherche financé par l’ANR « Shakk. De la révolte à la guerre en Syrie. Conflits, déplacements, incertitudes ».
The Department of Economics at the American University of Beirut invites applications for a tenure-track position at the assistant professor level to begin August 15, 2019.
The Department of Psychology at the American University of Beirut invites applications for a full-time faculty position in social psychology broadly defined.
What are the opportunities available for Arab social scientists this week? See our roundup of open calls.
The Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies at the American University of Beirut invites applications for a tenure-track position in Anthropology at the assistant professor level, with a preference for a scholar whose regional focus expands our Department’s current strengths.
Insaniyyat, the recently formed Society of Palestinian Anthropologists, invites participants to submit abstracts, attend roundtables, and participate in the society’s second gathering, which will be held on January 4-6, 2019 in Birzeit, Palestine.
يسر مركز فاعلون أن يوجه دعوة للأساتذة والباحثين والأكاديميين لكتابة مقترح ديباجة علمية للملتقى الدولي السابع لمركز فاعلون الذي سيتم تنظيمه على هامش الجامعة الصيفية السادسة من 21 إلى 26 أوت 2019 بالجمهورية التونسية.
What are the opportunities available for Arab social scientists this week? See our roundup of open calls.
The Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship is looking to hire two Program officers to support the Institute’s work, both in the field of Transnational Social Movements (TSM) and the Role of Civil Society in Post-conflict Settings.
The Department of Sociology, Egyptology and Anthropology (SEA) at the American University in Cairo (AUC) is seeking to recruit for a five-year position at the rank of Assistant Professor in the field of sociology beginning in the fall 2019.
The Department of Social Sciences in the School of Arts and Sciences at the Lebanese American University invites applicants for three positions in sociology/anthropology and interdisciplinary gender studies.
What are the opportunities available for Arab social scientists this week? See our roundup of open calls.
Editors Abby Day, Lois Lee and Jim Spickard invite chapters to an edited volume titled "Doing Diversity in Teaching, Writing, and Research."
The Gulf Studies Center at Qatar University invites papers to its 3rd Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference titled "Gulf Crisis: Origin, Repercussions and Future," which will take place on December 9-10, 2018.
What are the opportunities available for Arab social scientists this week? See our roundup of open calls.
صدور كتاب "غزة: التاريخ الاجتماعي تحت الاستعمار البريطاني، 1917 – 1948" عن مؤسسة الدراسات الفلسطينية
ACSS postdoctoral fellow Lea Bou Khater (2017-2018) has authored a report on the increase in the monthly minimum wage for private sector employees in 2012, as part of a series of research reports published by the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs under its research project, “Breaking the Mold: Arab Civil Society Actors and their Quest to Influence Policy-making”.
What are the opportunities available for Arab social scientists this week? See our roundup of open calls.
L’antenne de l'Institut français du Proche Orient au Liban à Beyrouth a cinq postes à repourvoir.
The International Centre for the Human Sciences (CISH, under the aegis of UNESCO), seeks to hire a Director.
The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI) at AUB is seeking a full-time Research Assistant for a period of six months within the Education and Youth Policy Research Program starting September 2018.
SciencesPo Paris invites applications to a three-year PhD grant in support of the Saltgiant project, a rare cross-disciplinary network of natural and social scientists dedicated to understanding the formation of the Mediterranean Salt Giant
For every issue of the bimonthly ACSS Newsletter, we compile a list of the latest publications by our grantees and members, including commentaries, journal and newspaper articles, and books.
رأى مكتب تواصل المجلس العربي للعلوم الاجتماعية – فلسطين أن هناك حاجة ملحة لتحليل مكثف للتحولات التي طرأت على معالجة القضية الفلسطينية والتعامل معها من حيث الخطاب والممارسات الاستعمارية، في ظل تغير الخطاب الدولي والعربي والوطني، والتحول المستمر لسياسات الاحتلال "الإسرائيلي". ومن الجوانب الهامة لهذا التحول التعامل مع الحدود في ظل الإستعمار.
للسنة الثانية على التوالي، قامت مجموعة بيروت للدراسات الأمنية، وهي مجموعة عمل تابعة للمجلس العربي للعلوم الاجتماعيّة، بتنظيم المعهد الصيفي للدراسات النقدية حول الأمن في المنطقة العربية للباحثين والباحثات الناشئين الذين يعملون على قضايا الأمن وانعدامه في العالم العربي. وتمّ تنظيم دورة هذا العام بين 21 و 26 يونيو/حزيران 2018 في برمانا، لبنان
The Department of International Studies at the American University of Sharjah invites applications for a 5-month or 10-month paid visiting scholar position during the academic year of 2018-2019.
What are the opportunities available for Arab social scientists this week? See our roundup of open calls.
In collaboration with the Council for Renewable Energy (CRE), the Energy Policy and Security in the Middle East Program (EPS) at the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at AUB is seeking a dynamic and highly motivated Research Assistant.
إذا كنتم ترغبون في الانتساب إلى المجلس العربي للعلوم الاجتماعية، يمكنكم مراجعة صفحة العضوية للاطلاع على أنواع العضوية وكيفية تقديم طلب الانتساب.
حقوق النشر © 2024
المجلس العربى للعلوم الاجتماعية
سياسة الخصوصية
شروط الخدمة
المجلس العربى للعلوم الاجتماعية
بناية علم الدين، الطابق الثاني
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بيروت – لبنان
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